Jupiter in Pisces 2010:
- Jan 17 9:10 PM Jupiter enters Pisces
- June 6 2:27 AM Jupiter enters Aries
- July 22 Jupiter turns retrograde at 3 Aries 24’
- Sep 9 12:49 AM Jupiter Rx enters Pisces
- Jan 22, 2011 back into Aries
The last time Jupiter was in Pisces:
- Feb 4, 1998 5:52 AM Jupiter enters Pisces
- Feb 12, 1999 8:23 PM Jupiter enters Aries
Most of these dates are from Jupiter Sign Tables on cafeastrology.com and are set for Eastern Standard Time. Jupiter takes about 12 years to make a complete cycle through all 12 signs.
I tried to think back to what was happening in my life 1998-1999, but I can’t remember- at all.
Jupiter’s Moon, Io, is number 85 on astro.com. To find her in your chart go to astro.com/free horoscopes/extended chart selection. Enter your birth data then scroll to the bottom of the screen. Enter “85” in the blank, “additional asteroids/ hypothetical planets” box, then “click here to show the chart.”
Io was one of Hera’s priestesses and Zeus (aka Jupiter) seduced her. Zeus changed Io into a cow to hide his indiscretion from Hera (aka Juno). Io was banished by her father and wandered the earth. Later she wound up in Egypt:
Having thus settled in Egypt, Io made a statue of Demeter, and this goddess was then called ‘Isis’. …the Egyptians also gave Io the name ‘Isis’, and Io-Isis, they say, was made a goddess by Zeus. … Isis discovered many drugs, and was versed in healing, giving aid during sleep while standing above the sick. …They call Apollo her son, and they say that it was Isis who instructed him in healing and divination…(Source)
From solarviews.com:
Jupiter’s moon Io is one of the most exotic places in the solar system. It is the most volcanic body known, with lava flows, lava lakes, and giant calderas covering its sulfurous landscape. It has billowing volcanic geysers spewing sulfurous plumes to over 500 kilometers high. Its mountains are much taller than those on Earth, reaching heights of 16 kilometers (52,000 feet).